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- Activities -


      *Stop rape by (Botswana Police Services) June 2002
      *Month of Youth against HIV/AIDS (Botswana national youth council) 2005, 2006&2007
      *Water conservation (March 2005
      *AIDS Fair Mogoditshane (KWENENG DMSAC) April 2005
      *BONEPWA+ Annual General Meeting June 2005
      *Ministry of Finance and Development Planning's HIV Testing Mobilizing June 2006
      *Youth Rally (Department Of Culture and Youth)
      * World AIDS Day commemoration December 2006
      *HIV Test Mobilization 'Sojwe' (KWENENG DMSAC) February 2006
      *House of Men Resource Centre Obsession Launch April 2006


Currently we do not have any funding agencies which are funding us for office rent and our activities; most of our activities need finance especially for transport and administration costs. We are also facing problem of losing valuable members especially girls due to lack of incentives for personal development. Since we are living in a village where unemployment rate is very high, of which most of this are young people and to install the voluntary spirit to them is very difficult due to this. We have been pursuing our local authorities to allocate a plot to us, negotiations are at advance stage and we are expecting this plot in short time. We want to use this plot to establish a YOUTH CENTRE since we don't have one in our District.


These projects were initiated in order to fulfill our set fourth objectives and are coordinated by members of House of Men as we want to install the spirit of leadership to them.


Coordinated By; Ramokhaneng Godfrey

This program was introduced in the beginning of 2005 and was piloted in two primary schools in Molepolole, which are Boribamo and Lekgwapheng Primary School. This was done with the intention of disseminating up to date HIV/AIDS information to students and also to promote parent to child communication. Students are encouraged to share learned information with their parents at home. On its implementation some letters were sent to AIDS club coordinators to ask for partnership on the fight against AIDS, before the beginning of our program, questionnaires were done for students and teachers; this was done to measure the level of understanding on HIV/AIDS issues. Even though the program had some challenges, there was a need to continue with this project as it was beneficial to both teachers and students; this was indicated by the data compiled from the beginning and at the end of the program. Other schools were also interested. In 2006 Kweneng DMSAC funded a similar project in connection with Ikageng Junior Secondary School beginning April 2006 to April 2007.

"Theatre for Development"

Coordinator By; Mompati Molelowakgotla

House of Men has done Theatre Development since its operation. The project aims to develop Theatre Artistic skills (schools and out of school.)The project mainly focuses on Theatre skills development in schools, and to encourage out of school to use their talents as it can create employment for them. Since its operation the project has benefited most schools like Lewis and Lekgwapheng Primary Schools, Masilo JSS, Dithejwane JSS, Motswasele JSS, Tshegetsang JSS, Boitshoko JSS to mention just a few. Recently Ikago Centre, Ritjau Performing Arts in Salajwe and Sorilatholo out of School Youth in Sorilatholo has managed to taste the goodness of this project. Our intension is to work with out of school youth to realize that they are the valuable assets of this country. This project also aims to give them HIV/AIDS basics and to edge them to participate in development project of their community
House Of Men Theatre Group at Sorilatholo doing Theatre Development

"Behavior Change Campaign in School"

Coordinated By; Mompati Molelowakgotla

This program aimed at youth sensitization young people (students) through drama and motivational speeches this is done in order to equip and give the true picture of life outside the school by so doing supporting and encouraging to take their education serious as today's life rely on education. This project was introduced in 1999. Even though it was essential it was not that effective until it received some funds from Kweneng East DMSAC in 2006. Arrangements were made with schools and performance done on agreed dates. We have manage to reach about 50 000 students in and around Kweneng District. This project is well received by both teachers and students and our wish is to take it to other school that we have not covered. In this project we have also worked with International organization such as Japanese International Cooperation Agency in Kgomokasitwa where we have chance to meet with young people to know how they look and cope with challenges of life, we also worked with American Embassy where by we visited schools in Letlhakeng and Ranaka where by we took about the importance of education and life skills.

"Condom Distribution at Social Spots"

Coordinated By; Phillip Shabba Molatedi

This project is aimed at availing condoms at bars and social spots. This project is funded by Kweneng East DMSAC after we realized that people do not visit clinics or hospitals to help themselves with condoms and decide to bring them next to them or in the places that are mostly visited. We started off by approaching bar owners request them to allow us to mount dispensers in their bars and we were well received and few rejected us saying they are selling condoms. Then we bought about twenty (20) condom dispensers and mounted them in twenty bars around Molepolole and they have to be filled every Friday weekly, as we have been doing this project for a year we realize that the demand of condoms is too high and have to fill them atleast twice or more a week. Sometime the shortage of condoms from where we take them hampered this project. As we don't have enough money for transport to fill condom dispensers we have arrange with bar owners to deliver boxes of condoms and help us to fill condom dispensers and phone us when they are running out to come and deliver most are doing as we agreed. We are highly appealing to Kweneng East DAMSAC to help with more funds to continue with this project.
House of Men Theatre Group organized a street bash at Molepolole Bus Rank.
The objective of this was to sanitize the community about the danger of HIV/AIDS.
The event featured motivational speeches,
condom demonstrations and distribution of educational materials.



Coordinator; Kebonyetsala Modise

In Molepolole there is no recreational facilities where young people can use for in their leisure time instead of going to the bars for entertainment as they are the only places they can go for entertainment and this is a contributing factor that make people to be found as problem makers. To deal with this we approached Department of Youth and Culture to help us with sports equipment to try to arrest this situation and they manage to buy footballs, netballs, volleyballs, playing cards and darts boards to be used.

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